Billy String's Setlist Forecast

Previous and upcoming shows

Click a date or Venue to see forecast or past setlists

New Model for Summer Tour & Beyond

At the end of the Spring tour (6/16/23 onwards), I took a look at results from the first shows, and then backtested over the last year to calibrate the model more. Below is the difference in outputs from the new model compared to the old.

Old Forecasts

Created By: Jack Kersting

Setlist Data:

Billy String's Setlist Forecast

Click a date or Venue to see forecast or past setlists

New Model for Summer Tour & Beyond

At the end of the Spring tour (6/16/23 onwards), I took a look at results from the first shows, and then backtested over the last year to calibrate the model more. Below is the difference in outputs from the new model compared to the old.

Created By: Jack Kersting

Setlist Data: