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Sabato's Crystal Ball

Sabato's Crystal Ball

Take a deep dive into Sabato's Crystal Ball's previous forecasts and how well they performed.


Click an election to see ratings for that election.

*The lower the brier score the better. It is calculated by the averaging (prob - outcome)^2. For example, a 70% race goes the other way, (.70-0)^2 = .49. Brier score is more complete compared to just win %, as win % is binary, and brier takes into account the given probability. Experts who use tossups will be 50% correct on all tossups.

Election Types

How has Sabato's Crystal Ball performed in certain types of elections?

Sabato's Crystal Ball's forecast.





Forecast Rating %'s

vs. Other Forecasts

Race Ratings

Races shown are only competitive races or missed races


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Sabato's Crystal Ball

Take a deep dive into Sabato's Crystal Ball's previous forecasts and how well they performed.


Click an election to see ratings for that election.

*The lower the brier score the better. It is calculated by the averaging (prob - outcome)^2. For example, a 70% race goes the other way, (.70-0)^2 = .49. Brier score is more complete compared to just win %, as win % is binary, and brier takes into account the given probability. Experts who use tossups will be 50% correct on all tossups.

Election Types

How has Sabato's Crystal Ball performed in certain types of elections?

Sabato's Crystal Ball's forecast.





Forecast Rating %'s

vs. Other Forecasts

Race Ratings

Races shown are only competitive races or missed races