Forecast Database

Take a deep dive into each forecasters history, or how a race as a whole was forecasted.


Click on a forecast or election to go to their page.


What Elections do we Have From Each Forecaster.

Take a look at which races each forecaster has ratings for. Some forecasters might have ratings for an election, but have not been put into the database.

All Races

All forecasts sorted based on brier score compared to that elections average brier score. The background color is determined based on the performance relative to the rest of the forecasts in that election. * Presidential brier and call % weighted by electoral votes. *


Forecast Database

Take a deep dive into each forecasters history, or how a race as a whole was forecasted.


Click on a forecast or election to go to their page.


What Elections do we Have From Each Forecaster.

Take a look at which races each forecaster has ratings for. Some forecasters might have ratings for an election, but have not been put into the database.

All Races

All forecasts sorted based on brier score compared to that elections average brier score. The background color is determined based on the performance relative to the rest of the forecasts in that election. * Presidential brier and call % weighted by electoral votes. *