The election cycle is an always moving machine. See the evolution of the race for Maine's 2nd Congressional seat.
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After every census each state draws new congressional seats based off the changes in population. Some states may gain seats, while others lose those seats.
The map below shows what districts are most and least similar to Maine's 2nd District. Using demographics and partisan trends, each district gets a District Similiarty Index (DSI). The more green, the more similar, while the pink are less similar. The 30 most similar districts have a black outline aorund them.
A lot of data goes into creating a forecast. See what is moving the needle below. The Bigger the squares the bigger the weight in the model.
The polls below are the polls that are used to compute the polling average in Maine's 2nd.
The election cycle is an always moving machine. See the evolution of the race for the Maine's 2nd House seat.
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After every census each state draws new congressional seats based off the changes in population. Some states may gain seats, while others lose those seats.
The table below shows what districts are most and least similar to Maine's 2nd District. Using demographics and partisan trends, each district gets a District Similiarty Index (DSI). The more green, the more similar, while the pink are less similar.
A lot of data goes into creating a forecast. See what is moving the needle below.
*District similarity takes the polling averages from similar districts and adjusts those averages based on similarity and the fundamentals of that state.
**Districts with major third party candidates or awkward elections, have differnet calculations than the others.
The polls below are the polls that are used to compute the polling average in Maine's 2nd.